I am one of the Children’s Church leaders and I lead the course on preparing our children for communion before confirmation. I am also the vice safeguarding officer. 

I am the Safeguarding Officer. I am also one of the Children’s Church leaders and I lead the course on preparing our children for communion before confirmation.

Hello, I am Jade Phillips and I am the Safeguarding Officer. I am also one of the Children’s Church Leaders and I lead the course on preparing our children for communion before confirmation. As part of the ALM course, I specialised in child ministry and I am passionate about children not only being the future of the church but that they ARE the church of today. Here at St Mary’s, we ensure that our children are at the heart of what we do and it is one of my roles to represent their voice by sitting on the Children and Young People’s Committee and on the District Church Council. 


10 Questions with Jade 

Who introduced you to faith? 
Attending my primary school St Andrew’s C.E, Boothstown, for seven years had a huge influence on me becoming closer to Jesus. We had lots of worship opportunities and enjoyable assemblies from the vicar at the time, Paul Brody. I loved learning all of the hymns and looking at the pictures of Bible stories on the walls. This is where I really got into prayer. 

Are you spring, summer, autumn or winter? 
I love winter. I like being cosy and wearing my coat or dressing gown! I love cosy nights in, snow, drinking hot chocolate (or maybe mulled wine!) and CHRISTMAS! 

What colour do you think of when you think of joy? 
Yellow, like the sun! 

What kind of social gathering do you like best? 
I love wedding parties! I like a good buffet and lots of cheesy music and dancing!

What about heaven are you most excited for? 
Seeing family members that have passed away and living in a place where there is no suffering. 

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? 
I always wanted to work in a nursery looking after young children. I now work as a primary school teacher in Bolton and I absolutely love my job. 

If you had to eat one meal for the rest of your life what would it be? 
I’d love steak (medium), peppercorn sauce, chips, tomato, mushrooms… and basically everything else that goes with it! Maybe not the healthiest though! 

What is your favourite worship song / hymn? 
10,000 reasons (Bless the Lord) by Matt Redman and Be Still for the Presence of the Lord. 

In church or online church? 
In church. I miss the social side of being in church and practising for the Nativity with the children, which is always one of my highlights of the year! I must say the online committee and course meetings can be good though... no need to get a babysitter! 

What is the best thing about St Mary’s? 
It is how inclusive and friendly the church is. Everybody is welcome and anyone will talk to anyone. It is the best church ever!