Meet Carol…

Carol Sansome St. Marys Church

Having retired from working for an Educational Publishing Co and also from fostering, I had some time on my hands, so… I became an Authorised Lay Minister (ALM) with a leaning towards wanting to do something which involved babies and children. Baptisms, Singing4Tots, Tots and Toast, Messy Church, all became part of my diary each week.  I’ve also become a Nana for the third time and 2 days a week I have the pleasure of looking after Jacob.

My Church family is very important to me.                         

St Mary’s is such a caring church, always gives me the ‘feel good factor’ whenever I walk in.


So a bit about me in….. 20 questions with Carol

2 things (apart from family, friends and church) that are really important for me are:  children to have a safe, loving home and a good education.

If I had to eat the same meal every day for a week, it would be …
Oh, no…so many.! Greek salad or shepherd’s pie or my daughter’s moussaka, or Chinese sweet chilli king prawns or…

Favourite hymn:   This week ‘Bless the Lord, Oh, My Soul’.

Favourite TV/film/song:  Midsomer Murders.

Something that makes me laugh out loud: Michael McIntyre.

What brings me hope: The kindness of people.

For a bit of peace and quiet I ….  garden or do embroidery.

One thing I could teach another person to do is … make a tote bag.

Something I really enjoy …  going to the theatre.

One thing I am really good at (no modesty!) is … crafty stuff.

I am passionate about:  Education.

Tea or coffee…?  Tea.

Red or white.....?    White.

A favourite Bible verse / story:  Psalm 139.

I absolutely love ....  dark chocolate.

The most recent act of kindness someone did for me was …. Leave chocolate on my doorstep.

The most recent act of kindness I did for someone was ... leave packet of hot+ buns on doorstep because her husband kept forgetting them when doing shopping, and she loves them.

One thing I think every young person should have is … a safe, warm, loving home.

One thing I think every older person should have is … a safe, warm, loving home.

3 good things about church …    My God, people, children.